Comparing Videos – Yiran Xiao

In these four videos, they all have a plenty of images and video clips along the way to compare and contrast the ideas the Youtubers trying to convey. In addition, the background music is well-made to fit into the topic and adds more affections to the ambience. In the first video “the quirky/awkward black girl”, the author makes uses of many movie cuts to demonstrate her points about how the society stereotypes on black girls transformed through out the time. She also puts in video clips like interviews and news as a medium to support her arguments. The mixture of media and reality give a strong impact as the video goes along. In the second video “Little Women vs. All The Other Little Women Movie”, what makes this video unique is that the author compares four Little Women movies in different time on the same screen. This provides a distinct compare and contrast in a straightforward way so that audiences immediately take up the purports of the comparison. In the third video “Frank Ocean – Musical Identity”, kaptainkristian inserts numerous transitions between the pictures and videos. He also adds many different creative animations and transformation onto the images. This makes the video more vivid and fun to watch. In the last video “The Most Disturbing Painting”, Nerdwriter coordinated sepulchral background music with enlargements on the paintings to promote a spooky atmosphere for the video. The throaty voiceover makes me so nervous to watch and in fear of what will happen next. I think these elements make the video very successful in the way that  audiences immerse into the narrative and be affected.

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