Comparing Videos

These four videos to me, are the same, but at the same time, are different. They all ultimately have the same underlying goal, to provide viewers and  listeners with insightful and teachable information. The differences between each video lies with the creator/ editors preference in delivering the information. For example, the first video “the quirky/ awkward black girl”, has the creator In the video being recorded on camera. The reason for this was simply just “vibes”. There is no deep underlying reason for it other than that is how she chose to display her information. Throughout the video, she uses video clips from somewhere else as well to further her stance. By using legitimate clips, she is helping her argument as well as notifying viewers, that her information is factual and comes from viable sources. The way in which each video were edited also differed. With some having background music, and others having unique transitions that helped make their video more interesting helped convey a specific theme and mood. You can noticeably see the difference in many of these videos for example, “the most disturbing painting” has an eery background sound that helps their video whereas if this kind of music were to be in the first video, we would be confused as an audience. The similarity that comes between all four videos is that each match the given theme. If a video is more upbeat, the background and visuals go with it. 

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