Jai – Thoughts on Video Essay

What do video essays do that traditional essays do not? How can you say something that you can’t in a traditional form? Compare one of the videos to the “Instagram Activism” article.


Video essays engage a wider audience because many of us have the ability to interpret visual cues and information. Video essays are able to rely on the tone and style of the storyteller to communicate with the viewer, not just their written word. This can allow for you to convey information with more nuance. You can convey the information that can’t be verbalized but instead only really felt by the viewer. When comparing the Marvelman video to the essay we read on IG infographics, they both contained a dense amount of information but only one made me laugh, pause, reflect, and enjoy myself the entire time (the Marvelman video). The essay was interesting, but that format is best suited for when I’m needing to access the information quickly and without distraction. Video essays, regardless of the content, allow you to enjoy yourself while watching.

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