Video vs. Traditional Essays Caroline Huffman

In video essays, speakers are easily allowed to visually connect with the viewer. Video essays offer a chance for the speaker to emphasize certain words or phrases. On the other hand, traditional essays are far less entertaining and visual. In traditional essays, it may be difficult to portray accurate imagery through words; however, in video essays, it is much simpler to do so since one can present actual photographs/videos. Likewise, in a video essay, one can have, sort of, a conversation with the viewer in an interesting manner. In the Instagram Activism essay, there are words and pictures to follow, but the reader may not clearly “take in” the written words. In “how Marvelman Changed Superheros,” the narrator is talking while pictures and videos display what he is saying. In this video, it is clearly more easy to understand and follow. One will associate the pictures with the words a narrator says and will recall the information better.

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