Parody & Satire

I couldn’t find a decent parody for my cultural artifact and spent truly too long attempting to find a good parody in general. I remember when I was a lot younger, parodies, (which I realize now are actually satires claiming to be parodies) were super popular especially for music pieces. Remembering this, I tried to find some good musical parodies and was genuinely disgusted at how offensive and disrespectful the “funny” material was. Regardless, I settled on what I thought was a cute and funny parody which is “Monster Mash” by ForeverYoung Productions thanks to some inspiration from a video of theirs that Riley Hatcher used. I enjoy that rather than poking fun at the original piece and being a satire, this parody was comedic and imitated several popular Monster Mash videos. There is silly dancing and facial expressions which create a light and entertaining mood. I feel like this piece was successful at imitating the original Monster Mash video by including multiple settings like the original piece does, and also by including goofy imitations of multiple characters mentioned in the song. I was happy to find this parody and I found it to be entertaining and attention holding.

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