Riley Hatcher Parody & Satire


The video I found is a parody of Snow White called “Snow White and the Seven Bums.” The video is a short synopsis of the film and accurately portrays the 1937 Disney movie. Therefore, this is a parody of a remix rather than the original 1812 story. The “seven bums” were hilarious and poked fun at the seven dwarves, as they wore fake long beards and raggy clothes. In addition, the facial expressions of all the cast: Snow, the seven bums, the evil queen, and the prince had me howling! The parody put a lot of emphasis on emotion.

Another essential thing to note is in the background, the song “If I was a Rich Girl” by Gwen Stefani was playinging and sang by Snow. Consequently, one of the funnier and bigger changes is at the end when the prince leans in for “true love’s kiss,” Snow pushes his face away; instead, she is more interested in the massive bag of money the prince carried. She took that bag and skipped off into the woods. I think the parody is very successful at commenting on the original concept. It follows the storyline correctly and uses silly faces, perfect costumes, and “rich” humor (lol, get it!). I think the overall point of the story was to make people laugh at ordinary people dress up as animated characters and have Snow White want to be a rich girl, rather than a girl in love!

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