Riley Hatcher Good Remix

I don’t think anything can be only objectively good or bad. This question makes me think of the saying where nothing is black and white, as there are grey areas. I think the grey areas can serve as pieces that are pulled out from the judged. These pieces can be either seen as opinions that are positive or negative. However, as people, we all mostly follow certain norms and can understand on certain outliers that are indeed either just good or bad. There is usually no discussion or argument, such as certain laws set forth.

To me, a good remix is one that contains some amounts of the original. It helps keep consistency and just adds onto the original. I like being able to know where the remix came from.  However, something that I may judge as great, someone else may not enjoy. Therefore, the act of judging of a remix is different between all people. Personally, I judge a remix by listening to it and listening to the original to see what the remixer did to make it their own, but also, what did the remixer do to keep some of the original’s uniqueness?

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