Good Remix: Maggie Caudle

Do you think something can be objectively bad or good? What is a good remix? How do you judge it?

I think it Is difficult, but not impossible, for something to be objectively bad or good. A song, for example, would have to be bad in all its aspects (i.e. vocals, music, lyrics, production) to be objectively bad, but some people can see the good in something everyone else considers bad. I do think, however, that despite being liked by a few people, a song, movie or something else can be objectively bad. I would say it is almost more difficult for it to be objectively good because I can name very few movies, songs, etc. with no flaws at all, but it may be possible for something to have flaws and still be “good”, which is why I say yes, it is possible. Again with the song example, if most aspects of the song are done well according to musical standards, I’d say it is objectively good. A good remixing my opinion, manages to put its own spin on something else without taking away from the original work’s value. This is a difficult balance, which is why many remixes do not succeed. I think if a work can keep the value of the original work and also add its own style, it would be considered a good remix.

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