Riley Hatcher Song Sample Response

The song I looked up on the website was “Love Me” by Justin Bieber. I chose this song because it uses samples from the song “Lovefool” by The Cardigans. Justin’s song uses samples not just once but throughout the entirety of the song, which I thought made it unique. The lyrics for the chorus in both songs are the exact same; however, the music behind the choruses are different. Justin has an upbeat background sound with lots of percussion, while The Cardigans use what sounds like a keyboard and other computerized sounds. I think Justin sampled from The Cardigans, because the songs are both kind of sad love songs, so it puts extra emphasis on the message behind the song. I think using the sample from the Cardigans in Justin’s song gives it a mature feel. Love, for some can be hard and serious, so its repeated use in Justin’s song may have helped his transition from writing songs that younger kids like to songs that teenagers and adults can actually relate too and like as well.

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