Mini Projects

Mini Projects (30 points total): Students will have three (3) mini projects to complete throughout the summer 2 term. Each mini project will be worth ten (10) points. Mini Projects will be graded based on completion, prompt submission, and attention to assignment details. These small assignments are meant to help you prepare for making your video project.


Mini Project 1: Video Cover Art

DUE Tuesday (7/6) at 11:59pm

Genre Purpose Audience Role Rhetorical Situation
Video/Podcast Cover Convince a company that your video is professional. Youtube sponsors Youtube Creator You have approached a media company about sponsoring your Youtube Channel.  They give you the feedback that while your channel is interesting, it is not getting as many views as it should. Your assignment is to come up with a new video cover design.

Rubric for Evaluating Cover: Rubric


Mini Project 2: Storyboard

DUE Monday (7/12) at 11:59pm


For the second mini project, you will be using a storyboard to plan out your video. At minimum, you should have six (6) slides on your storyboard, but more are welcome. Please use this template:



Mini Project 3: Audio Recording: Monday (7/19) at 11:59pm

“Building Narrative”

The driving force of the video will be the narrative of your remix/sampling topic which should be an engaging, illustrated interpretive story (about 800 words) about your cultural artifact. This should open with an interesting “hook” to draw people in, have a discernible thesis statement or overarching point, and present a concise, contextualized, compelling narrative.

Major points you should touch on:

  • What’s the artifact’s interesting historical “story”?
  • Be sure to include basic information about your artifact (when written and why, original text, location (website), when was it published).
  • What is/are the general narrative context(s) we need to know about to understand your artifact?
  • What can be said about controversies or conflicts with your artifact?

Note:  Keep in mind that your final video will include primary or secondary sources and they must be cited. So keep that in mind when you are constructing your narrative. In the final video, you must include a references section (this will not be included in your 800 words).

Next you will record your narrative which will serve as your base of the video. Practice makes perfect, so think about how you want your voice to sound and do a few trial runs. You can also use your own microphone or phone if you would like.