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This thumbnail is immediately eye catching with the neon green slime. There’s a lamp floating in the slime and a nice looking leather chair covered in the substance. The slime is dripping from the mantle and even more is pouring into the house via a hose coming in through the window. Mr. Beast is wearing a pair of presumably waterproof overalls to ensure the slime doesn’t get all over him so the thumbnail presents itself as clickbait to find out why he is filling a house with slime that he doesn’t even want to touch. The video caption explains why but the thumbnail itself leads to curiosity.

One of the interesting and common forms of attention grabbing on this thumbnail is Mr. Beast’s expression. His expression shows shock and almost a little bit of disgust with the slime being everywhere. His hand is raised as to not touch it and his eyebrows are raised with his mouth wide open. The thumbnail also creates a desire to watch the video because it’s so bizarre in and of itself, it’s literally a house full of slime pushing the viewer to see if it’s even real.

This image is full of light and is viewed initially central then outwards. At first glance you immediately notice the green slime and Mr. Beast who is standing in the center of the still. The more you look at the image the more you notice and the more it creates a desire to watch the video. This thumbnail is consistent with other video thumbnails from this creator but it still maintains enough difference for it to provoke interest.

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