Thumbnail Close Read | Peyton Metzler

For my Youtube thumbnail, I decided to choose this recent Cody Ko video that I have not yet seen. I felt like it would be good to close-read a thumbnail of a video that I had not watched so that I could gather information from the images and text with less bias. When I first saw this thumbnail I was intrigued due to the looks on each person’s face in the image. The expressions are all vastly different and the main subject is smiling big in contrast to the others. The two people in the background (Cody and Kelsey) appear to be reacting to the man. They are both arranged behind him in the image and have judgemental expressions on their faces. The text suggests in all caps that this is a reaction video to something they will watch. In the thumbnail, you can already see Cody and Kelsey reacting without even needing to read the title yet. The expressions do not seem serious and appear to be almost humorous so I can imply the video is for entertainment purposes only. The intended audience could be anyone who needs a good laugh or want to watch something mindless (and not educational) in nature.

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