YouTube Thumbnail

My initial reaction to this image was “What? How am I stacking my burger incorrectly?” which prompted me to click the video because I was curious. The giant bold words contrast with the dark blue background which causes the words to stand out even more. The blueprint design in the background is there to tell us that this video will show us how to BUILD a burger. The symbol on the top right is the channel’s logo which is probably wide known because they have 2.8 million subscribers. The burgers being separated into pieces tells us that the video will probably define a burger with these ingredients. I can’t really tell what the small white words are but it adds more interest into the thumbnail. If the small white words wasn’t there, the thumbnail would look more bland and empty.

Clickbait thumbnails 101

  1. Big bold words
  2. Arrows and circling
  3. Surprised face

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