Video Essays in the Classroom

I believe that video essays in the classroom would be very helpful but I don’t believe that they will completely replace written essays. Video essays have a very strong appeal of sometimes having a visual context that keeps viewers engaged and also having something to listen to which makes the learning more conversational and almost personal. Listening to an essay feels as though the material is being lectured and taught to the listener whereas reading an essay, in my opinion, feels more like teaching yourself the information. I feel that because the video essays appeal to different types of learners they should be implemented in the classroom setting more but written essays continue to appeal to teachers and other types of learners. For this reason I don’t think that video essays will or should replace video essays but I do feel that both should be implemented into the education system. I do believe that video essays are a form of legitimate academic work because it’s still presenting the information in an academic way while quoting resources and checking the blocks of being legitimate. Simply because the essay is in a different form doesn’t mean that it’s somehow illegitimate.

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