Comparing Videos – Tala Farah

Beyond the obvious use of visuals and audio, all four videos focused on one topic throughout the duration of the essay, providing examples to help support their points. Although they have this in common, it’s their differences that help each video stand out.

Beginning with “the quirky/awkward black girl video,” I have to say it was my favorite of the four. It is the only video where you could actually see the creator as opposed to similar hearing their voice, which I very much appreciated. This helps viewers build an emotional connection with the creator and makes viewers more likely to pay attention, which I definitely did. What makes this video “good,” besides being able to see the creator, is its source usage throughout a long period of time.

Besides being the longest video of the four, “Little Women vs. All The Other Little Women” is the only video that incorporates movie scenes from the recreations of the same movie. It draws the attention of viewers at the beginning when having the same scene from all the movies together, showing the differences between them right off the bat. What makes this video “good” is its ability to actually use scenes throughout to show distinctive differences.

The “Frank Ocean – Musical Identity” begins with a personal anecdote: the creator’s love of Ocean’s album blonde. They then incorporate visual and audio clips of Frank Ocean himself, allowing viewers to see who exactly the artist is that is being discussed. What makes this video “good” is the creator’s ability to incorporate several different source forms in the video. I also enjoyed the smooth transition between visuals that would follow along with what was being said, rather than having stagnant images on a slide for a while.

In the video “The Most Disturbing Painting,” only images are used overlayed against audio. The audio consists of music and the narration explaining the topic. What makes this video unique is its ability to evoke the feeling of being on edge the entire time watching, simply due to the power of the music in the background. This is also what makes the video “good” because it draws the viewers in and leaves them wanting to know more.

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