Riley Hatcher Comparing the 4 Videos

On the surface, these videos all talk about very different content, which is awesome. They were very interesting and intriguing to watch. I think what these 4 videos did together in sameness is the way they presented each of their unique pieces. For example, all of the videos used background music, different videos, and images.

It was great to see the contrast in sound and image/videos for the eye. I really liked the “quirky/awkward black girl” video. I thought the creator did a great job using her own voice, other sounds, and videos to explain her argument. It can get repetitive and boring to watch a slideshow basically with a voiceover, so I think all of these videos did a good job staying away from that.

The “quirky/awkward black girl” video was different from all of the other ones as she showed who she was in the beginning, which made you feel like you got to make that first starting impression and get to see the face behind the voice presenting the content. I feel like starting off her video that way made the presentation very differently. Personally, it made me feel more obliged to watch and learn because I knew who was saying it.

Apologies for not going in order, but the last video about the horrific painting stuck to me the most! I think this video used the emotional component of pathos really well. I felt very fearful with the choice of background music. The tone of voice from the presenter matched the mythological story and music so well. I think this really expresses the difference in presentations from the other 3.

I think the “Little Women” video had a lot going on at one time, which made it stand out. For example, the video would have multiple media going at one time, which made it nice to look at, but also a little much at the same time. It made sense though because it really showed the adaptations/remix of “Little Women.”

Frank Ocean’s video is awesome because the video used quotes from Frank himself! It made the video even more legit. The change-up in the voice by the creator and Ocean helped keep the video engaging too!

I think all of these videos are just labeled “good” because they all have great background music, transitions, easy-to-follow content, and awesome tone. Although the topic may not interest someone fully, the make of the video is what really stands out!


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