Comparing Videos – Hope Mitchell

For the four videos today, I noticed many similarities and differences due to their different media forms and authors. In “the quirky/awkward black girl,” the speaker shows her face on camera, making the video even more personal/relatable than the other three videos, none of which show the speaker’s face. Given that “the quirky/awkward black girl” and “Little Women vs. All The Other Little Women” both deal with TV shows or movies, they both draw comparisons between the shows/movies but do so uniquely. most enjoyed how “Little Women vs. All The Other Little Women” draws comparisons through four-way split screens with each of the movies because it makes the comparisons easier for me to see than “the quirky/awkward black girl,” which just individually places the movie clips. Since “Frank Ocean – Musical Identity” deals with music, something that was unique was the use of quotes from, context on, and pictures of the artist, which dove deeper into the single artist than some of the other videos. What set ”The Most Disturbing Painting” apart from the other videos was the use of frightening music in the background because it fit the tone and made it even more intense, making the painting come to life with sound like when the other videos would use music or movie clipsAlong with using images and clips of their topics, something else that each of the videos did is pay close attention to the order information is presented in, making sure to surprise the audience, like when ”The Most Disturbing Painting” zoomed out to show the full painting instead of just the top of it. Other than that, I noticed that all the videos used text on the screen, either to help make the material easier to understand or to make the videos funnier. Each of those aforementioned qualities make the videos interesting and consumable. That, along with choosing a new/insightful/surprising topic and speaking legibly through cleascripts and audio, makes these videos good.

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