Comparing Videos – Faith Mitchell

I think each of these videos do a lot the same and a lot different. As for what they do the same, they all include visuals and audio. Together, the combination of visuals and audio, help to move the videos along and work together to heighten the viewer’s understanding of the information they are being given. As for what they do differently, I think some of the differences are by choice/the creator’s preferences, and others have to do with the separate media form each video is focused on. In the first video, “the quirky/awkward black girl,” the face of the person who created the video is in it, talking to the camera and making it more personal, whereas none of the other creators are in their videos. This video also includes video clips from a bunch of different movies and news stations, in order to better explain the stereotypes of black people in the media. There’s also background music in the first and third videos (“the quirky/awkward black girl” and “Frank Ocean – Musical Identity”), not the other two videos. In the second video, “Little Women vs. All The Other Little Women,” the creator splits the screen into four boxes, one for each of the Little Women movies, which none of the other videos do. In the third video, “Frank Ocean – Musical Identity,” since it is focused on music and a particular artist, it plays songs by that artist and includes audio from interviews with the artist. In the fourth video, “The Most Disturbing Painting,” the creator of the video uses a lot of sound effects, which none of the other videos do, in order to convey the dark, scary tone of the painting being discussed. So, although all of these videos are similar in some ways and different in others, they are all good videos because they do the basics of any video essay (include visuals and audio) and then add in other elements to their videos according to what works best for the type of video they are trying to make and for the separate media form their videos are about.

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