Video Versus Traditional Essay | Peyton Metzler

I react entirely differently to video essays compared to traditional essays. Video essays have a visual and auditory component, while traditional essays are typically only written works. Video essays can be more enticing for me, yet my attention for them can be “more relaxed”, meaning I do not have to fully focus. When reading a traditional essay, however, to gain the information I must be completely attentive and cannot be doing anything else. A video essay, though, can provide various mediums that a traditional one cannot. This can enhance the learning experience and provide more depth to the essay as a whole. A video essay used imagery, sound, and effects to display the information it is trying to get across. This leaves more room for creativity with a video essay option, rather than a traditional essay. My favorite video we had to watch today was “The Marvel Symphonic Universe”. I just started the Marvel movie series and am currently in “Phase One”. This video piqued my interest and kept me engaged the entire time. I found it easier to stay engaged in the video rather than the “Instagram Activism” article because I am very visual. The clips the video provided helped guide the narration and kept my mind occupied.

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