Video V. Traditional Essay: Ruchi Patel

I think that the difference between traditional essays and video essays is the visual component that comes with videos. You can always be descriptive in traditional essays, however, a visual aspect can provide many benefits in terms of keeping Video essays also allow for the enhancement of certain arguments through the use of image, sound and viduals. Engagement amongst viewers and listeners is vital and in this case, a video essay allows for just that. The other difference is the length. Video essays tend to be a consolidated version of traditional ones as longer viewers attribute to decreased attention spans. In this way, video essay have to enhance their points as it Is a smaller amount of time, however with visuals and more it can be easily done. Video essays can also differ across the spectrum as people have creative differences when it comes to the content they produce. With voice overs and other ways to enhance the story, video essays showcase an argument in unique ways. One example is comparing the “How Marvelman Changed Superheroes” and the Instagram activism article is the way in which the 7 minute video went about voicing their claim while using images, videos and voiceovers in a tone that was understanding for listeners and viewers. The Instagram Activism article, although insightful, did not have the same approach as the video even though it used a few images. Personally, I find videos to be more engaging and bearable, especially when it comes to longer lengthen essays required for school. 

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