Riley Hatcher Video Essay vs. Traditional Essay

I don’t know why I finally figured this out, but our cultural artifact video project is a video essay! The need to write 800 words for a video essay does not have the same bore as the need to write 800 words for a traditional essay!

Anyway, video essays are way more impactful emotionally, visually, and auditorily. I hear a lot about how texting is so vague because we can’t hear the tone of the voice in the text, so we cannot depict the person’s actual feelings behind the text. A visual essay provides that tone and emotion, so the viewer can feel what the presenter is feeling. In addition, words in a traditional essay get draining to read after a while. However, the distraction of movement in a video helps the viewer follow along better and emphasizes an argument.

When writing a traditional essay, writers can experience the need to show evidence to an argument rather than writing a long passage about it. Therefore, a video essay can portray evidence to an argument with video examples, pictures, or audio, which, again, does help emphasize the argument. Also, video essays let the creator be more creative in their piece, allowing for more of a creative window.

The video I felt more attentive to was “The Marvel Symphonic Universe” because I like Marvel! This video spoke about how Marvel needs to take risks in their audio, as the people in the video could not think of any music for it, even though Harry Potter, James Bond, and Star Wars were easy! Although popular, staple audio would be beneficial. This message relates to the Instagram Activiums video, as the writer for the article talks about how ads, visuals, and infographics help relay the message better. The article was easy to follow, but I feel like I was reading through it pretty quickly because it is a lot of words with just a few images. The video essay is more engaging and fun!

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