Video Versus Traditional Essay – Rosie Xiao

I think that the video would be easier for me to learn and to absorb the idea from the author than the traditional essay. Firstly, I am not a visual leaner so I will prefer hear to read because I would be more focus. And for the visual leaner, the video essay would have the subtitle, which means they would not feel uncomfortable while they are watching the video essay instead of the traditional essay.

From the video essay <The marvel symphonic Universe>, I learned about the OST / background music from the movie. As the central idea is moves around ‘music’, the video essay has taken a lots of benefits because in the video the author could show the audio of the music directly instead of ‘describe’ it in the traditional essay. Also, comparing with the traditional essay ‘The Evolution of Instagram Activism’, which could just show the concept by letter and image, the video ‘The marvel symphonic Universe’ explains the concept and idea mainly through the audio and video cut, which is much more clear and attractive

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