Parody Caroline Huffman

In an SNL skit titled, “Rap Roundtable,” actors are creating a parody of the popular XXL videos that go by the same title. In XXL’s version of Roundtable, rappers are interviewed about their music and about the music industry. However, in SNL’s version, it is clear that they are making fun of new rap songs. SNL has the same set-up as XXL in the video but is making a different point. SNL is aiming to tell viewers that rap is not the same as it used to be; rap used to tell heartfelt stories. However, nowadays, rappers are becoming famous from sound effects and beats. SNL is recreating XXL’s video to tell a humorous story; therefore, it is a parody. The SNL version of Roundtable is successful at commenting on new rappers since it is clearly making fun of them and slightly invalidating their work.

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