Good Remix – Tala Farah

If something is made subjectively then how is it possible to criticize it objectively? Take for example any piece of artwork. As stated in the video, the purpose of making art is up to the subjectivity of the creator, so to try and objectively categorize something as bad or good is not possible when a true purpose cannot be determined definitely. In the case of a hammer, however, someone can say it’s good or bad if it is able to fulfill the purpose, hit a nail into a surface. In terms of remix, whether it is good or bad is completely subjective. It is judged in comparison to the original work and, if available, other remixes of that same work. Let’s say we are talking about a remix of a song. The remix is going to be compared to the original in terms of how the rhythm and lyrics were altered. In addition, the remix will be judged in terms of the overall quality of the piece, like if it made an originally sad song happier and more upbeat. There are no set guidelines on what makes a remix good or bad because, once again, the purpose of creating the remix is subjective in the first place.

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