Objectively Good or Bad? : Ruchi Patel

Whether or not I believe something can be labeled as objectively good or bad is something that I believe is a personal preference and should not be scoped over the views of any other individual. This can delve into the concept of labeling and inherent bias towards a specific work and what may seem bad to you, could be seen as a life work of creative thinking and labor to someone else, so who are we to judge and spread those claims? People have the freedom and power to think, believe, and sometimes although unwarranted speak what they want to as well, but that doesn’t mean anyone else needs to be affected by it. Another key aspect to note is that not all genres are everyones cup of tea and perhaps you simply just do not know enough about something to distinguish whether it be good or bad. 

I think the recipe to a good remix is also objective. If you are asking me specifically, I like a mix of both old and new with a hint of more new to assure that there is a distinguished difference between the pieces you are sampling. However again, this is just my preference. I like the old versions of samples to stand out, but not so much that the song or new piece doesn’t feel like its own entity.

Judging also goes along with the ability and notion of people having their own objectives and viewpoints. I think one thing that is common in the music industry and because music has been around so long, you can see how other remixes have been made and adjust accordingly. Do you like more of one sample? Do you like a specific new type of genre added and much more. To judge whether something is “good” or “bad” has to come from a place of zero bias and whether we like it or not, we all have it. We are all accustomed to different things and thats a good thing! Because everyone is different in their own way, so therefore I believe judging something like this to consider it good or bad can be very difficult. 

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