Good Remix | Peyton Metzler

For the most part, I do not think something can be objectively good or bad. I do believe there are some moral codes that the majority of humans adhere to, but not all people agree fully on what is good and bad. There will always be someone on a large scale or small scale that sees something in a different light. Not all people would be able to agree on something being good or bad as a fact, so therefore nothing can be objectively said as either. I think when people do act as though different things are objectively good or bad it can be harmful in many circumstances.

A good remix is up to the person consuming the media of a remix. A remix being good is all based on opinion, because even a remix I find terrible someone could love. To me, a good remix integrates reused content and new content seamlessly. I love when you are listening to a remixed song, for example, and the transitions from part to part are smooth, yet dynamic.

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