Good Remix – Hope Mitchell

I do not think that something can be objectively good or bad. For example, when viewing the same piece of art in the same context, two different people may have different opinions on it. One person might prefer abstract paintings and another person may prefer realistic watercolor paintings, making one of them automatically not like the painting that they see. While we all see the Mona Lisa and, to some degree, identify with it, we may not actually think it is good, we just think that something about it must be special because it is famous. For remix, I think this is another case where different people prefer different things, so a remix cannot just be good or bad. As an example, I know that some people may think that a remix of an original song is good and others may think that it is bad; I may listen to a remix that sounds very off-beat to me, but someone else might think that that is an artistic choice that works. Personally, I think remixes are good when they are close to the original but changed just enough to sound new or “improve” or “enhance” the original in some way. Remixes are judged by personal preference and personal background. For example, a musician with an innumerable amount of hours’ experience in the studio might feel like a remixed song by another musician is not good, but someone with no music experience may really like that remixed song. Some people may not like over-synthesized, noisy songs – which to me, personally, is what most remixes sound like – so they may not like a remixed song, whereas other people may love the excitement of these songs. Given that we are all unique people, I do not think remixes can be objectively judged.

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