Good Remix – Faith Mitchell

I do not think something can be objectively bad or good. I feel like labeling something as bad or good is subjective, in that it involves one’s opinions. As far as works of art (like songs, paintings, poems, etc.) go, each person who views it has a different background and different experiences that impact the way they see that piece. Kind of like Margaret Wolfe Hungerford’s saying, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” To that end, a good remix, I think, is dependent on the specific person who is judging it. I may really like the Le Youth remix of Catie Turner’s song “Hide and Seek,” but someone else might think it is terrible compared to the original or compared to other remixes that they consider good. I may think that a good remix needs to change the original almost entirely, whereas you might think adding a new beat or claps over a repeating sample is good enough. I probably have a different set of criteria for judging a remix than you do. As mentioned in the Just Write video, the closest you can really get to being able to objectively judge something (and that something has to not be needed for a specific purpose), like a remix, is if you are an expert on that thing, such as a professional artist or experienced art critic. And even then, it should not be just up to that one expert to give the final judgement but many experts who discuss the work and do so over a decent period of time. So, you and I can only judge a remix by comparing it to other ones that we have seen and by filtering it through our own individual opinions/ideas of what is good and what is bad.

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