Ashley Lillich Song Sample Response

I’m a decently big fan of Selena Gomez so I initially just searched her name into the sampled website and a lot of her songs came up but the one I decided to go with is Bad Liar. Bad Liar includes obvious sampling from the Talking Heads song Psycho Killer. The beat that goes throughout Bad Liar was sampled from Psycho Killer but was brought a little bit lower in tone. It’s obvious from the first click of both songs that it was sampled because it’s the same beat that goes throughout both pieces. Gomez’s piece does add a bit of variety with the tone change as well as the addition of what sounds like snapping and clapping as well. I think the piece uses the sample because it’s just an iconic catchy beat. I’ve never heard the song Psycho Killer so when I hear that beat my first thought is Bad Liar. It’s just a fun beat that’s not easy to forget so I think it was wise to sample it and it was also beneficial that Psycho Killer is an older song (1977) so much of Gomez’s audience wouldn’t recognize where it came from. I believe this use of sampling truly made Bad Liar what it is.

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