Streaming and DRM – Yiran Xiao

I don’t think streaming music/tv/movies would have positive impact on DRM. Since there are a lot of extensions and apps that can record the videos online and then people who record it can post it online like YouTube or other platforms. Even though some streaming platforms like HBO Max and Netflix offer people a wide range of collections, there are still people who rather hunt for pirated ones than paying several dollars a month. I think subscribing for these streaming platforms are not a norm in our society. So it is hard to prevent people from copying.

If there is no physical disk, it will be easier to copy. We live in a well-developed world that has strong internet connects everywhere. The technology is well enough to copy a single music or movie from several minutes to hours. At this point, I feel like it is no longer important to “own” music/movie/tv because everyone can “access” to it theoretically. This encourages people to make remix/sampling work a lot easier. However, it would not really benefit the authors and artists who created the work. Especially under a fast-pace environment, people prefer to watch shorter videos. Social media like TikTok furthers the creative works of short videos and renders audiences to have less patience to work a full length movie or song and appreciate the serious work.

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