Streaming and DRM- Maggie Caudle

I think streaming is definitely a positive thing for us as listeners/viewers, but the same may not be said for DRM. The wide availability of content can make it more difficult to protect. Recent technology makes works like music and TV much easier to download and reproduce, and much harder to trace. However, for those who are simply looking to access this content and not reproduce it, streaming may solve some of the problem. It enables people to listen to music and watch shows and movies without having to download it, so there may be less need for DRM. While some people feel the need to actually own these works, many are content with just streaming. I personally like to have a copy of them for myself as streaming is not always permanent, and it usually involves continuously paying for a subscription, so it can be said that owning these materials is still a necessity for some people. For this reason combined with the wide availability of this content on the internet, I would say that streaming can negatively impact DRM.

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