Streaming and DRM Assignment

I think streaming music/tv/movies has positively impacted DRM. With the introduction of so many streaming services, having to keep track of all the places certain media is going definitely would cause chaos. The rules DRM enforces in some situations is over the top, but having technology that can monitor where an owners media is going is important. I believe it is harder to copy media with no physical disk because tracking things online is way easier than a hard copy of a certain song or movie.

Whoever creates music/movies/tv will always believe it is important to own whatever they made. As for users, buying songs to own them has fallen off given the different services that have been provided such as Apple Music, Spotify, etc. The impact this has on remix/sampling is negative because many do not have permission to access a song or movie completely and therefore, this leads to people not having an opportunity to remix or sample what they want.

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