Streaming and DRM – Alan Dang

I believe streaming services both positively and negatively impact DRM. On one side, streaming services like Netflix and Hulu both pay in order to stream certain movies or shows which incentivize people to not pirate since you gain such a wide collection for a low monthly cost. But on the other hand, it’s easier for people to copy and distribute since it’s all in 1 spot and easily downloadable from the app. It’s easier to copy if there’s no physical disk because we live in a time where everything is digital and can be copied/downloaded digitally. I think it’s still important for the original owners of that music/movie/tv show to be able to gain compensation for their works and decide what you can or can’t do with it. DRM negatively impacts remixing and sampling because they enforce rules that doesn’t allow consumers to actively engage with the product. It’s just like Lawrence says, a read internet culture isn’t as vibrant as a read-write internet culture.

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