Riley Hatcher Streaming and DRM

I would say that streaming movies, tv, and music has negatively impacted DRM because DRM doesn’t seem as much of a necessity anymore. I don’t think people feel the need to copy disks or other content when there are so many streaming services with all kinds of content. If Netflix does not have it, then Hulu, HBOmax, or paramount+ does. I don’t even have cable anymore! Anyway, the ability to physically own a DVD/disk, cable, movies, or music isn’t prevalent anymore, unless it is for collecting or aesthetic. I haven’t seen a DVD player in forever. My car doesn’t have the option of CD, only Bluetooth. Even without disks, I don’t think it’s easier or harder to copy; I think no one needs it. There are many sites, platforms, and services where people can find what they are looking for. I feel like streaming services make it easier to remix/sample. For example, with my paid-for Apple music, I can stream or download any song I want and use it for whatever I need.

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