Youtube Thumbnail Reflection

To be completely honest I don’t watch a lot of Youtube so this assignment was slightly foreign to me and I definitely made a few mistakes with it, but it has potential nonetheless. The video that I intend to make will delve into the many uses of sampling in Anne-Marie’s song “2002.” For my thumbnail I created more of a presentation slide than a thumbnail with a slide background and an album cover and photo of the artist as well as the title of the video. While this does show what the video will be about it isn’t as interesting as it could have been. I think to enhance interest in the video I should use other Youtube videos similar to the one I intend to make as inspiration and also include a personal note to it to make it stand out more.

The audience I intend to reach is people who enjoy the artist and music similar to hers that also includes sampling. I also wouldn’t mind reaching a less knowledgable audience that I could teach about concepts like copyright and sampling which I’ll soon learn more about myself. Moving forward I’m going to embrace the assignment better rather than sticking to a presentation-like approach which is what I’m comfortable with.

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