Intellectual Property Infringement Case – Yiran Xiao

In April 2011, Apple Inc. sued Samsung Electronics Co. because plenty Samsung smartphones used similar concepts of utility and design such as black rectangular front face and round corners. In this case, Apple claimed that Samsung embezzled those concepts and infringed the intellectual property of Apple products. Besides design patent infringement, Apple also sued Samsung for the trade dress dilution. In calculating the damages to Apple, the jury “awarded Apple the total profits of Samsung’s devices that infringed Apple’s patents” (Shin and Brown).  Samsung had to pay $1.05 billion dollars to Apple. However, Samsung tried to appeal to the Court of Appeals again for a review of the case. Upon dealing with these issues, the jury agreed that Samsung’s infringement on design patent but not the trade dress dilution. In the end, Samsung was issued to compensate $399 million to Apple.

Work Cited

Shin, Ami, and Dara Brown. “Samsung Electronics Co. v. Apple.” Legal Information Institute. Legal Information Institute, 11 Oct. 2016. Web. 06 July 2021.

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