Intellectual Property Infringement Case: Hangover II Tattoo: Ruchi Patel

One case that I have found of intellectual copyright infringement ocurred over the movie The Hangover II. In the film, one of the characters wakes up to find a tribal tattoo on his face after a night of misfits. The tattoo that is on Ed Helms’ left eye is similar to the one Mike Tyson has and involves his cameo in the first Hangover movie. S. Victor Whitmill, Mike Tysons tattoo artist filed a lawsuit against WB entertaining just before the second movies release. Whitmill obtained a copyright for the tattoo and therefore claimed that the use of his tattoo in the second movie was a case of infringement as he was not asked for consent. Warner Bros felt as if it was a parody therefore would fall under the category of fair use. Although the Chief Judge denied an injunction, he did not rule out Whitmill still having a case. WB tried to avoid a longer trial by offering to digitally alter the film so the tattoo on Ed Helms’ face was different; but as it was too late for theatre release this alteration would only apply to home video releases. Eventually, on June 17th, WB and Whitmill had worked something out between the two on undisclosed terms.



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