Youtube Thumbnail Reflection: Ruchi Patel

For as long as I can remember I have always been very interested in houses and just seeing all the different kind of homes that exists. I guess you could say I’m also a little bit nosey therefore the Architectural Digest “Open Door” videos are some of my favorite. I chose to imitate Hillary Duffs thumbnail for my design because of the way the post shined amongst the others surrounding it on my feed. For starters, the background is lit in a way that makes the foreground shine more. It is also important to note that Hillary is wearing a certain color dress that makes her stand out the most. Her orange dress allows the focal point to be towards her and where she is standing, in the warmth of her home.

The audience that I am trying to reach includes those who also have a certain curiosity about homes and celebrities. Most of the times these videos are ones you would just click on for some light viewing. Some other approaches I could have tried for my thumbnail is possibly a brighter and more transparent background to allow myself to be the focal point. 

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