Youtube Thumbnail Reflection – Rosie Xiao

I would like to make a video which focuses on cooperate between classical instruments and pop music. So that I chose Luka Sulic’s performance photo as the bottom layer for my thumbnail and added the favorite pop music ranking at the right side of the thumbnail. I turned the Luka’s performance photo to black and white to show that it is a kind of ‘old’ and classical culture based on classical instruments and I still left the pop music ranking with full color because I would like to show that such pop music are the kind of ‘new’ culture. The classical performance photo occupies a larger place than the pop music ranking because I think for this topic, I should be focused a little bit more on the classical instruments.

The biggest text on my thumbnail is ‘Classical instruments & Pop music’. This is two keywords of my whole video and I also add a smaller text ‘When perform pop music by instruments’ because this is the main idea of my work and the main reason why I chose this topic. I hope that such text cold help the audience to understand what this video is taking about quickly.

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