Lessing Introduction: Ruchi Patel

After reading the introduction in Lessings work, I realized much of what I knew about copyright is actually ridiculous in terms of what the current laws are. In my opinion, I think some of the existing laws are a bit ridiculous. In the case of Stephanie Lenz and her dancing child, the mere idea that she could be sued thousands of dollars because she posted a video of her kid dancing to a prince song, one of which was in bad quality and because there is no market in licensing music to an amateur video like this one, no one was being harmed. I am not saying that copyright laws and infringement should not exist, however, I think often times, there are situations like Stephanie’s where you have to take a step back and realize, is anyone actually getting harmed in this process? I am fully aware of the effort and money it takes to be in an industry of the sort but surely, if an artist Is putting his, her or their music out there, they would expect people to listen and share? I also understand that there Is a lot about copyright laws and infringement I do not understand but in the case of Stephanie’s i’m sure that there needs to be at least some fixing.

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