The Experimental Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics (ENAP) group, based within the UNC Department of Physics and Astronomy, seeks to understand fundamental particles and interactions, and the role they play in the universe. Our primary research focus centers on studies in neutrinoless double beta decay (LEGEND), a direct search for neutrino mass (KATRIN), and searches for physics beyond the standard model (LEGEND and KATRIN). We also are involved in advanced R&D for future beyond kiloton-scale experiments (NuDot). In addition, our group has expertise in real-time data acquisition systems, in particular the object-oriented real-time control and acquisition (ORCA) used by a number of experiments around the globe.
Our group works in close collaboration with colleagues at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL) and the Institute for Cosmology, Subatomic Matter & Symmetries (CoSMS).
Boasting numerous opportunities for aspiring undergraduates, PhD candidates, and post-doctoral researchers, we extend an invitation to you to become an integral part of our research endeavors.