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February 5, 2023

CircleKeeper – Social Emotional Learning Tracker for Middle Schools In the fall of 2021, my team and I designed a prototype that would enable middle school teachers, trained in restorative circles for social-emotional learning, to more effectively measure their outcomes … Read more


February 4, 2023

Wicked Problem: The public education system often operates as a top-down bureaucracy, with educational policies being developed with minimal input from those at the grassroots level: teachers and students. Schools are required to conduct annual tests, and if they fail … Read more


February 3, 2023

The third stage in the Design Thinking process is Ideation. After identifying the target audience or users and clearly defining the problem, it was time to start seeking solutions. Generating fresh ideas can be difficult, particularly when dealing with complex … Read more


February 2, 2023

Productivity App It can be challenging to maintain productivity with the numerous apps and technology at our fingertips. People often struggle to resist the quick dopamine hit of checking social media, sports scores, or task-switching on their mobile devices when … Read more


February 1, 2023

The fifth step in the Design Thinking process is testing: bringing your viable prototype to some target users and conducting a user testing session. This step is crucial for gathering feedback and ultimately determining if your prototype solves the problem … Read more