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Castillo lab *undergraduate student, †graduate student, ‡postdoc


Castillo KD, †Bove CB, Hughes AM, †Powell ME, Ries JB, ‡Davies SW. Gene expression plasticity facilitates acclimatization of a long-lived Caribbean coral across divergent reef environments. Scientific Reports 14:7859.

Li Shing Huing DL, Schuster JM, Duncan MI, Payne NL, Helmuth B, … Castillo KD, … Bates AE. Ocean weather, biological rates, and unexplained global ecological patterns. PNAS Nexus 3(8):e260.

Shaw KMM, JP, Standish CD, Fowell SE, Stewart JA, Castillo KD, Ries JB, Foster GL. Century-Long Records of Sedimentary Input on a Caribbean Reef From Coral Ba/Ca Ratios. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 39(5):e2023PA004746.


†Bove CB, ‡Davies SW, Ries JB, Umbanhowar J, *Thomasson BC, *Farquhar EB, *McCoppin JA, Castillo KD. Global change differentially modulates Caribbean coral physiology. PLOS ONE 17(9): e0273897.

Eagle RA, Guillermic M, De Corte I, Caraveo BA, †Bove CB, Misra S, Cameron L, Castillo KD, Ries JB. Physicochemical control of Caribbean coral calcification linked to host and symbiont responses to varying pCO2 and temperature. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10- 1075.


*Aichelman H, †Bove CB, Castillo KD, *Boulton JM, * Knowlton AC, Nieves OC, Ries JB, ‡Davies SW. Exposure duration modulates the response of Caribbean corals to global change stressors. Limnology and Oceanography 9999 1-16.

†‡Baumann JH, †Bove CB, Carne L, Gutierrez I, Castillo KD. Two offshore corals species show greater acclimatization capacity to environmental variation than nearshore counterparts in southern Belize. Coral Reefs

Chalk TB, Standish CD, D’Angelo C, Castillo KD, Milton JA, Foster GL. Mapping coral calcification strategies from in situ boron isotope and trace element measurements of the tropical coral Siderastrea siderea. Nature Scientific Reports 11:472.

*Oldenburg KS, Urban-Rich J, Castillo KD, †‡Baumann JH. Microfiber abundance associated with coral tissue varies geographically on the Belize Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System. Marine Pollution Bulletin 163: 111938


Helmuth B, Leichter J, Rotjan R, Castillo KD, Fieseler C, Jones S, Choi F. High-resolution spatiotemporal patterns of seawater temperature across the Belize Mesoamerican Barrier Reef. Nature Scientific Data

Grottoli A, Toonen R, van Woesik R, Vega Thurber R, Warner M, McLachlan R, Price J, Bahr K, Baums I, Castillo KD, Coffroth, MA, Cunning R, Dobson K, Donahue M, Hench J, Iglesias-Prieto R, Kemp D, Kenkel C, Kline D, Kuffner I, Matthews J; Mayfield A, Padilla-Gamino J, Palumbi S, Voolstra C, Weis V, Wu, H. Best-practices recommendations for coral bleaching experiments. Ecological Applications 31(4) e02262

*†Speare L, ‡Davies SW, †Balmonte JP, †Baumann J, Castillo KD. Coral bacterial community composition reveals a host species-specific resilience strategy to cope with environmental variability. Molecular Ecology

†Bove CB, Umbanhowar J, Castillo KD. Meta-analysis reveals reduced coral calcification under projected ocean acidification and warming across the Caribbean. Frontiers in Marine Sciences 7: 127


†Baumann JH, Ries JB, †Rippe JP, *Courtney TA, *Aichelman HE, †Westfield IT, Castillo KD. Nearshore coral growth is declining on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System. Global Change Biology 25: 3932-3945

†Bove CB, Ries JB, ‡Davies SW, †Wesfield IT, Castillo KD. Common Caribbean corals exhibit highly variable responses to future acididication and warming. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286: 20182840.

†Rippe JP, Kriefall NG, ‡Davies SW, Castillo KD. Differential disease incidence and mortality of inner and outer reefs corals of the upper Florida Keys in association with a white syndrome outbreak. Bulletin of Marine Science 95: 305-316

*Benson BE, †Rippe JP, †Bove CB, Castillo KD. Apparent timing of density banding in the Caribbean coral Siderastrea siderea suggests complex role of key physiological variables. Coral Reefs 38: 165-176


†Rippe J, †Baumann JH, *DeLeener DN, *Aichelman HE, ‡Davies SW, Castillo KD. Corals sustain growth but not skeletal density across the Florida Keys Reef Tract despite ongoing warming. Global Change Biology 25: (11) 5205-5217

Fowell S, Foster GL, Ries J, Castillo KD, de la Vega E, Tyrrell T, Donald HK, Chalk TB. Historic trends in pH and biogeochemistry on the Belize Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System. Geophysical Research Letters: 45:3228-3237

‡Davies SW, Ries JB, Marchetti A, Castillo KD. Symbiodinium functional diversity in the coral Siderastrea siderea is influenced by thermal stress and reef environment, but not ocean acidification. Frontiers in Marine Sciences: 5: 150


Baumann JH, ‡Davies SW, *Aichelman HE, Castillo KD. Coral Symbiodinium communities across the Belize Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System is influenced by coral host species and thermal variation. Microbial Ecology 75: 903-915

Rippe J, Matz M, Green E, Medina M, Khawaja N, Pongwarin T, Pinzón J, Castillo KD, ‡Davies SW. Population structure and connectivity of the mountainous star coral Orbicella faveolata throughout the wider Caribbean region. Ecology and Evolution 7-9234-9246

†Cox C, †Valdivia A, McField M, Castillo KD, Bruno JF. Establishment of marine protected areas alone does not restore coral reef communities in Belize. Marine Ecology Progress Series 563: 65-79


Fowell SE, Sanford K, Stewart JA, Castillo KD, Ries JB, Foster GL. Intra-reef variations in Li/Mg and Sr/Ca sea surface temperature proxies in the Caribbean reef-building coral Siderastrea siderea. Paleoceanography 31: 1315-1329

Baumann J, *Townsend J, *Courtney T, *Aichelman H, ‡Davies SW, Lima FP, Castillo KD. Temperature regimes impact coral assemblages along environmental gradients on lagoonal reefs in Belize. PLoS ONE 11: e0162098

‡Davies SW, Marchetti A, Ries JB, Castillo KD. Thermal and pCO2 stress elicit divergent transcriptomic responses in a resilient coral. Frontiers in Marine Sciences 3:112

*Aichelman H, *Townsend J, * Courtney T, †Baumann J, Castillo KD. Heterotrophy mitigates the response of the temperate coral Oculina arbuscula to temperature stress. Ecology and Evolution 6: 6758-6769

†Horvath K. Castillo KD, *Armstrong P, †Westfield I, *Courtney T, Ries JB. Next-century ocean acidification and warming both reduce calcification rate, but acidification also alter skeletal morphology of the reef-building coral Siderastrea siderea. Nature Scientific Reports 6: 29613

Ries JB, *Ghazaleh MN, †Connolly B, †Westfield IT, Castillo KD. Impacts of seawater saturation state (ΩA =0.4–4.6) and temperature (10, 25°C) on the dissolution kinetics of whole-shell biogenic carbonates Geochimica et. Cosmochimica Acta 192: 318-337


Castillo KD, Ries JB, Bruno JB, †Westfield IT. The reef-building coral Siderastrea siderea exhibits parabolic responses to ocean acidification and warming. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281: 20141856

Kenkel C, Sheridan C, Leal M, Bhagooli R, Castillo KD, Kurata N, McGinty E, Goulet T, Matz M. Gene expression biomarkers to diagnose coral stress: quantification of a graded thermal stress response and profiling a natural bleaching event. Molecular Ecology Resources 14: 667-678


†Cox CE, Jones CD, Wares JP, Castillo KD, Mcfield MD, Bruno JF. Genetic testing reveals some fish mislabeling but general compliance with a ban on herbivorous fish harvesting in Belize. Conservation Letters 6: 132-140


Castillo KD, Ries JB, Weiss JM, Lima FP. Decline of forereef corals in response to recent warming linked to history of thermal exposure. Nature Climate Change 2: 756-760


Castillo KD, Ries JB, Weiss JM. Declining coral skeletal extension for forereef colonies of Siderastrea siderea on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System, southern Belize. PLoS ONE 6: e14615: 1-12


Castillo KD, Lima FP. Comparison of in situ and satellite-derived (MODIS Terra/Aqua) methods for assessing temperatures on coral reefs. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 8: 107-117


Castillo KD, Helmuth BS. Influence of thermal history on the response of the coral Montastraea annularis to short-term temperature exposure. Marine Biology 148: 261-270