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Chapman Hall

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  3. Chapman Hall
Events at this venue

FRG Biweekly Meeting: Ping-Shou Zhong, UIC

Chapman Hall 205 S. Columbia Street, Chapel Hill, United States

Title: Statistical Inference for High-dimensional Covariance and Graphical Models Speaker: Ping-Shou Zhong, UIC Abstract: In this talk, I will present two statistical inference problems for high dimensional covariance and graphical models. In the first part of the talk, I will … Read more

FRG Biweekly Meeting: Yao Li, UNC

Chapman Hall 205 S. Columbia Street, Chapel Hill, United States

Title:Security of Deep Learning Models Speaker: Yao Li, UNC Abstract: In this talk, Dr. Li introduced two of her recent works in the field of security of deep learning models. The first one is "Detecting Adversarial Examples with Bayesian Neural … Read more

FRG Biweekly Meeting: Jeremy Marzuola, UNC

Chapman Hall 205 S. Columbia Street, Chapel Hill, United States

Professor Jeremy Marzuola discussed his research on Nodal Deficiency and Graph Partitioning ideas.

FRG Biweekly Meeting

Chapman Hall 205 S. Columbia Street, Chapel Hill, United States

The first 30 minutes will be overview of research topics and discussions of questions raised from previous meetings. The next 30 minutes will be faculty members only, to discuss logistics.