Team Rules

  • We will have mandatory meetings weekly to ensure team cohesiveness and to follow up on our responsibilities. Preferably Friday after meeting the TA.
  • Meetings with the client will be respectful, and notes will be taken to ensure that the deliverable meets the standard.
  • Stick to and plan around deadlines
  • Make sure to respond to messages as soon as possible.
  • Be clear with communication, and give 1-2 days notice if a deadline or team meeting can’t be followed through.
  • Go over and approve software as a team before use and ensure is compatibility.
  • Have fun!

Coding Practices

  • Use descriptive comments to help other team members easily understand and follow your code
  • Verify that code compiles and runs properly before pushing code edits to Github
  • All code discrepancies must be reviewed by the lead programmer, who will make final decisions on conflicts
  • All team members must create their own branch before committing any new code to Github. As well as submit a pull request before merging any new changes to the main branch