D1. Specifications


As a general public user, I want the search results to be concise and easy on the eyes, so that navigating the results is a good experience.

As a general public user, I want to be able to filter content, so that I don’t spend time searching through results with media types I’m not interested in.

As a subscriber, I want the the process of downloading media analytics to be quick and straightforward so that I get the most value out of my subscription, and see reason to extend/repurchase the subscription.

As a subscriber, I want more features, so that my experience is significantly more convenient than that of a general public user.

As a subscriber, I want the the process of downloading media analytics to be quick and straightforward so that I get the most value out of my subscription.

As a subscriber, I want to be able to save my payment information, so that it’s easy to renew my subscription.



Functions or actions that the application must perform based on user inputs and the interaction between different types of users.

Definite: Requirements that we will have definitely working

  • When user submits inputs from input page, perform query on results
  • Search through database and return media results page with matches to inputs
  • Search through all available media sources for matches to the input
  • Can send information from input page to the backend

Perhaps: Requirements that may be worked on after the Definite category is complete

  • Take read string from email field on email alert page
  • Send email to backend for storage
  • Add email to listserv for continuous notification
  • Finish media alert page to accept email and send email to working listserv

Improbable: Requirements that we will probably not be able to finish

  • Fixing all components of the media search engine to get it up and running


Requirements that are not relating to the technical functionality of the application and are related to other external requirements (URPS+).


  • The web application must be easy to navigate for users
  • Needs to use Angular framework
  • Displays results from query in media report as a word document


  • The web application will have proficient UI/UX


  • UI will completely validate user data
  • Display media report in multiple formats, including pdf

Interfaces: GUIs, input-output mechanisms, other systems that interact with this system, APIs, etc…


  • The web application has a functional inputs page


  • The web application has a working login page
  • The web application “Help” page explains the usage of the search engine
  • The web application buttons for the subscriber that allows them to edit the media reports
  • The web page allows for the subscriber to


  • Designing the interface for all pages of the web application