Project Concept

DigiClips is an unorthodox search engine that simultaneously browses various media platforms to create a report based on a user’s input.

For 7 years, DigiClips has been developing its media search engine software along with the aid from University Capstone teams. The main motivation behind this project is to make the process of being media aware and media informed with media analytic, easy and accessible. With that being said, the software can serve anyone. For an example, an attorney can utilize DigiClips to view when and where their client appears in the news.

Unlike traditional search engines that mainly focuses on text-based results, DigiClips will traverse though multimedia platforms to provide a report for users that is not solely text. The reports will consist of hyperlinks to the source that contains information about the users’ input as well as a line of text of where the input was used in a sentence. These hyperlinks range from websites, audio files, videos, and other media content that contains what the user is looking for. The various media outlets that DigiClips sources ranges from podcasts, radio stations, and so on, meaning speech to text is implemented in the system to account for audio-based platforms.