D1. Specifications

User Stories

  • As a user, I want to be able to gauge the overall “pulse” or mood of the UNC subreddit to see how the UNC community is reacting to events surrounding them.
  • As a moderator, I want to be able to easily sort through each post and user within the UNC subreddit so that I can filter out any abnormal activity that goes against community guidelines.
  • As a user, I want to be able to easily scroll through posts that are provided in the UNC subreddit to read about popular topics that are going on through UNC’s campus and the community, so that I can stay up to date on what is happening.
  • As a student who is currently not on campus, I want to be able to see posts about current events on campus so that I don’t miss out on what I would experience on campus.
  • As a first-time user, I want to be able to understand the function of the website at a glance.
  • As a user, I want to be able to see and navigate directly to specific posts and authors that attract high attention, both positive and negative.



  • The page will display recent activity that passes a threshold of positivity or negativity. (definite)
  • The application will display information and general trends of the UNC subreddit through a dashboard interface. (definite)
  • Each dashboard item will present a visual or numeric summary of the metric or statistic in question. (definite)
  • Clicking on each element of the dashboard will pull up a more in-depth analysis. (definite)
  • Database will store all past history. (definite)
  • NLP will be used to estimate positivity. (definite)
  • Users will be able to opt-in to receive notifications when something new makes it to the cReddit Hours page. (perhaps)
  • Leaderboards will display “most positive” users in various metrics. (perhaps)
  • The user will be able to search through other users activity and gauge their impact on the subreddit, through web scraping (see if they provide positive/negative posts). (perhaps)


  • The user interface will be easily digestible at-a-glance. (definite)
  • If no data is available for whatever reason, the page will still populate will blank templates. (definite)
  • The app must interface with reddit.com/r/UNC. (definite)
  • The page will be formatted correctly across many devices. (perhaps)
  • There will not be a login system. (perhaps)
  • Visualizations will use colorblind-friendly palette/aesthetics. (perhaps)
  • All users other than those displayed on leaderboards as “most positive” will remain anonymous. (perhaps)
  • The app will have features that allow it to be tailored and deployed for other subreddits. (perhaps)
  • Users will remain anonymous. (improbable)