Meeting Schedule

Team Meeting: Thursdays 1:30 – 2:00

December 10 2023:

  • Finished up all updates and gave the product to our client.
  • Finished final project presentation.
  • Celebrate

December 09 2023:

  • Created final presentation ideas and fully merged all branches along with the integrated codebase.

December 04 2023:

  • Met with client and introduced functional Kalman Filter method along with watch streaming functionality to client.
  • Integration of the methods with the codebase was handed off to the client.

November 29 2023:

  • Scheduled client meeting for Dec 1, 2023.
  • Discussed potential issues of integration and attempted to read openCV data on the kalman filter. Changes are reflected on the Github repository.

November 28 2023:

3:00pm – 5:00pm

  • Apple Watch team worked on the accelerometer data streaming and have successfully gotten a model to present data streamlining on the Apple Watch
  • Continued the debugging processing the data streaming on the apple watch prior to integration with the Kalman Filter

November 27 2023:

2:00pm – 4:00pm

  • Team meeting initialized to discuss our next steps of integration and showing potential data streamlining capabilities.
  • Kalman Filter team created a branch to work on and have successfully implemented position data within the function

November 10 2023:

2:00pm – 3:00pm

  • Scheduled client meeting (TBD)
  • Tried to read and intake openCV data on the iPhone and pass those data points into the Kalman filter design example.

November 07 2023:

3:00pm – 4:00pm

  • Discussed the format of the tech talk and together decided to focus on the works of streamlining data from the apple watch to iPhone.
  • Updated website to include changes mentioned during previous meeting.

November 02 2023:

3:00pm – 4:30pm

  • Picked up 3D printed instruments and assembled them for testing.
  • Started implementation of the apple watch data streaming and testing Kalman filter expressions.
  • Planned to consult client about technical specifications about implementation strategies.

October 27 2023:

1:00pm – 2:00pm

  • Discuessed on the logic to implement Kalman filters
  • Client clarification on data streamlining and filtering process speed

October 26 2023:

  • Client meeting cancelled due to an unexpected operation that the client had to answer

October 25 2023:

2:00pm – 4:00pm

  • Worked on processing Aruco markers for the 3D objects.
  • Discussed code base plans and determined next steps while creating user stories for these plans.

October 13 2023:

5:00pm – 5:30pm

  • Added additional features and updates to the course website
  • Initiated the development and started working on the Kalman Filter and Apple Watch APIs.

October 10 2023:


  • Presented an introduction of the project to the class.
  • Worked on presentation with client and created a tentative timeline whilst discussing functioanlities.

October 8 2023:

5:00pm- 6:30pm

  • Scheduled meeting with client to create roadmap and tentative timeline for the following weeks
  • Decided on the format of our team and how the separation of the main groups will be.

October 6, 2023:


  • Client meeting cancelled, there were time conflicts with client’s schedule. Reschedule will proceed this weekend.

October 3, 2023:


  • Presented a tentative timeline for this project to the client and got approved to start coding in Swift
  • Updated deliverables to include more descriptive user stories and finalized the separation of of teams.
  • Scheduled our next client meeting and started on debugging issues with not being able to run code in provided codebase.

September 29, 2023:

12:00pm – 1:00pm

  • Met with client and discussed the next steps for approaching this project. Determined the separation of our group of 4 should be in terms of 2 Apple Watch developers and 2 Kalman filter iOS developers.
  • Began cloning the repository and working to allow the interface to function on our individual devices. Looked into Udemy courses that will help prepare us for working with the codebase.

September 21, 2023:

2:00pm – 3:30pm

  • Concluded on our final project design and determined when our next meeting will be. Assigned tasks to every individual within the group, made sure that user stories, project descriptions, and website content was added and polished.

September 20, 2023:

8:00am – 9:00am

  • Met at UNC Neuroscience hospital with the client and picked up equipment. Got an in-depth understanding of what filters we need to work on in order to reduce noise in AR scans. Focused on setting up next plans with the client and worked on creating a more flexible schedule for meetings as requested by client.

September 17, 2023:

3:00pm – 4:00pm

  • Determined when to pick up equipment from client and scheduled another meeting with the client to discuss more in depth details on the project.

September 13, 2023:

2:30pm – 4:00pm

  • Met with client and discussed project details and expected tasks to work on. Elaborated amongst our team to create a future plan and approach to the proposed project standards.

September 09, 2023:

5:00pm – 6:00pm

  • Scheduled team meeting with client and worked on changing format of the project website

September 07, 2023:

  • Introduced ourselves to the client

August 31, 2023:

3:00pm – 4:00pm

  • Created base project website