D1. Specifications

User Stories:

As a neurosurgeon, I want to be able to open the interface and see the iOS app that is capable of tracking a surgical instrument.

While using the app, I want a precise marker for the tip of the instrument that I can use for navigation.

The instrument should be tracked continuously and smoothly using the iOS phone or iPad camera.

As a neurosurgeon, I want to be able to use the Apple Watch app to improve the accuracy and smooth out the tracking interface for the position of the medical device.


FunctionalityThe interface for this application was developed by the client



  • Swift Programming: Work with Xcode and SwiftUI to develop key functions for Kalman filters and integrating displacement/acceleration data. This work enhances data precision and user experience, ensuring seamless functionality.”
  • Kalman filtering: Implementing a Kalman filter involves defining system dynamics and measurement equations, initializing state and covariance matrices, and iteratively predicting and updating the state to optimally estimate a system’s true state.
  • Apple Watch integration: Utilize the apple watch accelerometer data to track displacement and acceleration of the surgeon’s movements while they use the app for projecting and mapping the neurological modeling images.


  • Improve efficiency on the calculations that will be performed for stability and accuracy.
  • Modify the interface to show distance relative to precision in a more vibrant presentation.
  • Test the accuracy of the Kalman filter depending on the location of the watch on the arm (wrist, elbow, biceps, etc)
  • The application should be robust and reliable, with minimal crashes or system failures. It should undergo thorough stress testing to ensure its stability.
  • Initiate automatic streaming when the detection of an Arucomarker is present



  • Swift Programming: Introduce a feature that allows feedback element to report back the feedback process
  • User Interface: Add a feature that shows the current relationship between the watch and the phone while streaming data


  • Introduce an interface that prompts the initiation on connecting with a nearby iPhone capable of running the software